Technology has come a long way since the 1800s, and the same can be said for lighting. There have been many advances since Thomas Edison invented the first commercially feasible incandescent lamp back in 1879, the latest of which being the introduction and improvement of light emitting diode (or LED) technology.

LEDs are small solid-state semiconductors that emit light when electric currents pass through them. These small chips are very efficient in the way they consume energy, resulting in less heat and energy loss in the lighting process. This helps to cut back on your energy costs, resulting in a quicker payback when converting to LED. On top of this, because these diodes are so small and can be arranged in millions of configurations, the possibilities are endless when it comes to designing an LED lamp or fixture. Another major benefit of LEDs is their long life. Most LED fixtures and lamps have an estimated 50,000+ hour burn time which means no more changing out those pesky burnt out light bulbs. Fewer replacements means fewer maintenance fees or lift rentals which should help speed up the payback process even more. Saving money is always good! Though LED technology continues to get better every day by becoming more efficient and consuming less energy, there is still a lot of improvement that could be made. One thing we know for sure is that LED technology is here to stay!